Science OutreACH
I believe it incredibly important to present the findings of our research to different audiences via various formats, and the more creative the better! By actively being involved in science outreach I aim to present my research through various media and create some excitement around science.
Move.inFormation Research group FILM COMING SOON! But in the meantime here are some links to some of the projects I’ve been involved in recently.
Cloudbased Mayhem: A paraglider’s rant Podcast with paraglider pilot Gavin McClurg Episode 160: Soaring Birds. ‘For birds, soaring is a delicate game of balancing energy and reward. Flapping takes energy. Energy requires food and getting food has risk. Do birds practice? Do they every soar just to play? How often to birds make mistakes? How do they map the sky? Do they use other birds to evaluate climbs, find lift bands, and take better lines, or is it all instinct?’
How vultures use each other as guides through the turbulent skies. The Conversation. ‘How would you move through a space when you can’t see the obstacles ahead? For example, how would you find your way out of a maze if you were blindfolded? You could either use your other senses, such as touch, to find your way out – or better yet, you could get someone who can see the way out to direct you. But either way you need information.’