I am a movement ecologist with a particular interest in how fine-scale movement patterns influence large-scale movement strategies. A major part of my research has focused on movement in the aerial landscape, investigating the flight behaviour of large soaring birds, including the Andean Condor and Cape griffon vulture species. Along the way I have become particularly interested in ‘social eavesdropping’ the concept of one individual observing others moving within its environment and using this information to better their own movement strategy in terms of energetic cost. To investigate this I work with bio-logging devices to collect fine-scale movement data and develop frameworks for multi-logger deployments.
More recently, these research interests have led to the investiagtion of social information for optimal movement in a much more tangible system - that of competitive paragliding racing. A system where we can use various on-board sensors to quantify the visual perception of social information in flight.
Head of the Move.inFormation research group hosted by the Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective behaviour at Konstanz University.
Previously based at: the Max Planck institute of Animal Behavior with K. Safi and M. Wikelski; Swansea Laboratory of Animal Movement with E. Shepard and R. Wilson; and University of Exeter with S. Bearhop